Thursday, July 16, 2015

Biggest Bible Study Ever!

          I've decided to undertake an in-depth, verse by verse, study of all 73 books of the Bible (yes including Leviticus and Numbers).  This study is not intended to be one of those "finish-the-Bible-in-a-year" studies.  My intention is to go slow.  According to the plan I've created this intensive study will take approximately six years.  This is not for someone who wants an overview of scripture.  It is not for someone who simply wants to read the Bible.  It is for those who already regularly read the Bible and are interested in taking a different approach.  It is for those who want the entire Bible to permeate through their being.  The order of the study is not the canonical order of the books, nor the chronological order.  When a book or series of books appears outside of chronological or canonical order I will explain my reasoning for ordering them in this way.  The order of the books are not divinely inspired and this order of study makes the most sense to me. 
          The purpose of this study is not simply intellectual satisfaction.  The Bible is not merely another piece of literature and I will not approach it as such.  There are 4 primary assumptions that I make regarding this study:

  1.  Sacred Scripture is revelation of the Divine God.  All philosophical arguments for a personal God are moot unless that personal God reveals itself to creation.  I believe that an all-powerful-personal God by definition must engage in self revelation with its personal creation.  If not, then it follows that either God is not all-powerful or is not personal or is neither and thus all Christian theology diminishes to deism.  I believe that the Bible is this revelation and by undertaking this study it will solidify this believe beyond any reasonable doubt.
  2.  Attention will be given to the unity of Scripture.  It may have over 40 human authors contributing in their own times and cultures, but it was ultimately one author who "consigned to writing whatever he wanted written, and no more" (CCC106) so I will make special effort to be attentive to the "unity of the whole Scripture" (CCC 112).

  3. The study will take place within the living Tradition of the Church.  I am not the sole authority on the interpretation of scripture, but rather it is the Holy Spirit who interprets the Scriptures.  Through baptism and my personal relationship with Christ I know the Spirit dwells within me, but the Spirit cannot contradict the Spirit.  The fullness of truth in the Spirit dwells in the Church, after all she is "the pillar and foundation of truth" (1 Tim 3:15). As such I will pay special attention to what the early church fathers believed about the Scriptures.
  4. The faith of the Church came before the Bible.  It is simple historicity that the Bible developed out from a community of believers. Since this is the case special attention will be given to what that community believed reading it within the context of the entire deposit of faith.  After all since the Bible was written in the context of the deposit of faith it would be irresponsible to attempt to interpret it against that faith.
           The study will have two equally important components, both necessary if we want to experience the full meaning behind God's word.  I will look at both the literary sense and the spiritual sense. 
          By literary sense I mean utilizing the tools given to us in the historical critical method of study.  This aims at understanding who was writing, the historical context of the author, the audience, the purpose, and the form of their writing to ascertain what the original author intended their readers to understand about the revelation given to them. 
          By spiritual sense I mean that Scripture is alive!  It transcends all of time and space to speaks to us today.  I will draw out from the scriptures the typological, allegorical, moral, and anagogical (viewing the realities in terms of their eternal significance) senses. 
          All great things come through great cost.  It is my prayer that by undertaking this massive task and allowing others to participate through the wonders of the internet that we can encounter Jesus, the Word made Flesh, and come to love him more and desire to live as his missionary disciples. 

"Lord, inspire me to read your Scriptures and to meditate upon them day and night. I beg you to give me real understanding of what I need, that I in turn may put its precepts into practice. Yet, I know that understanding and good intentions are worthless, unless rooted in your graceful love. So I ask that the words of Scripture may also be not just signs on a page, but channels of grace into my heart. Amen."
-Origin, 184-253 AD

The Study Outline

Old Testament
Week 1 Preamble. The Creation of the World (1:1–2:3)
Week 2 The Creation of the Man and the Woman, Their Offspring, and the Spread of Civilization (2:4–4:26)
Week 3 The Pre-flood Generations (5:1–6:8)
Week 4 The Flood and the Renewed Blessing (6:9–9:29)
Week 5 The Populating of the World and the Prideful City (10:1–11:9)
Week 6 The Genealogy from Shem to Terah (11:10–26)
Week 7 The Story of Abraham and Sarah (11:27–25:18)
Week 8 The Story of Isaac and Jacob (25:19–36:43)
Week 9 The Story of Joseph (37:1–50:26)
Week 10 Introduction: The Oppression of the Israelites in Egypt (1:1–2:22)
Week 11 The Call and Commission of Moses (2:23–7:7)
Week 12 The Contest with Pharaoh (7:8–13:16)
Week 13 The Deliverance of the Israelites from Pharaoh and Victory at the Sea (13:17–15:21)
Week 14 The Journey in the Wilderness to Sinai (15:22–18:27)
Week 15 Covenant and Legislation at Mount Sinai (19:1–31:18)
Week 16 Israel’s Apostasy and God’s Renewal of the Covenant (32:1–34:35)
Week 17 The Building of the Tabernacle and the Descent of God’s Glory upon It (35:1–40:38)
Week 18 Instructions for the Israelites (1:1–5:26)
Week 19 Instructions for the Priests (6:1–7:38)
Week 20 Ceremony of Ordination (8:1–10:20)
Week 21 Laws Regarding Ritual Purity (11:1–16:34)
Week 22 Holiness Laws (17:1–26:46)
Week 23 Redemption of Offerings (27:1–34)
Week 24 Census and Preparation for the Departure from Sinai (1:1–10:10)
Week 25 Departure, Rebellion, and Wandering in the Wilderness for Forty Years (10:11–25:18)
Week 26 Second Census of a New Generation and Preparation to Enter the Promised Land (25:19–36:13)
Week 27 First Address (1:1–4:43)
Week 28 Second Address pt 1: The Lord’s Covenant with Israel (4:44–11:32)
Week 29 Second Address pt 2:The Deuteronomic Code (12:1–28:69)
Week 30 Third Address (29:1–33:29)
Week 31 The Death of Moses (34:1–12)
Week 32 Conquest of Canaan (1:1–12:24)
Week 33 Division of the Land (13:1–21:45)
Week 34 Return of the Transjordan Tribes and Joshua’s Farewell (22:1–24:33)
Week 35 The Situation in Canaan Following the Israelite Conquest (1:1–3:6)
Week 36 Stories of the Judges (3:7–16:31)
Week 37 Further Stories of the Tribes of Dan and Benjamin (17:1–21:25)
Week 38 Ruth (1:1-4:22)
1-2 Samuel
Week 39 The Last Judges, Eli and Samuel (1 Sm 1:1–7:17)
Week 40 Establishment of the Monarchy (1 Sm 8:1–12:25)
Week 41 Saul and David (1 Sm 13:1–2 Sm 2:7)
Week 42 The Reign of David (2 Sm 2:8–20:26)
Week 43 Appendixes (2 Sm 21:1–24:25)
1-2 Kings
Week 44 The Reign of Solomon (1 Kgs 1:1–11:43)
Week 45 The Reign of Jeroboam (1 Kgs 12:1–14:20)
Week 46 Kings of Judah and Israel (1 Kgs 14:21–16:34)
Week 47 The Story of Elijah (1 Kgs 17:1–19:21)
Week 48 The Story of Ahab (1 Kgs 20:1–2 Kgs 1:18)
Week 49 Elisha Succeeds Elijah (2 Kgs 2:1–25)
Week 50 Stories of Elisha and Joram (2 Kgs 3:1–9:13)
Week 51 The End of the Omrid Dynasty (2 Kgs 9:14–11:20)
Week 52 Kings of Judah and Israel (2 Kgs 12:1–17:5)
Week 53 The End of Israel (2 Kgs 17:6–41)
Week 54 The End of Judah (2 Kgs 18:1–25:30)
1-2 Chronicles
Week 55 Genealogical Tables (1:1–9:34)
Week 56 The History of David (9:35–29:30)
Week 57 The Return from Exile (1:1–6:22)
Week 58 The Work of Ezra (7:1–10:44)
Week 59 The Deeds of Nehemiah (1:1–7:72)
Week 60 Promulgation of the Law (8:1–10:40)
Week 61 Dedication of the Wall; Other Reforms (11:1–13:31)
Week 62 Tobit’s Ordeals (1:3–3:6)
Week 63 Sarah’s Plight (3:7–17)
Week 64 Preparation for the Journey (4:1–6:1)
Week 65 Tobiah’s Journey to Media (6:2–18)
Week 66 Marriage and Healing of Sarah (7:1–9:6)
Week 67 Tobiah’s Return Journey to Nineveh and the Healing of Tobit (10:1–11:18)
Week 68 Raphael Reveals His Identity (12:1–22)
Week 69 Tobit’s Song of Praise (13:1–18)
Week 70 Epilogue (14:1–15)
Week 71 Assyrian Threat (1:1–3:10)
Week 72 Siege of Bethulia (4:1–7:32)
Week 73 Judith, Instrument of the Lord (8:1–10:10)
Week 74 Judith Goes Out to War (10:11–13:20)
Week 75 Victory and Thanksgiving (14:1–16:25)
Week 76 Prologue (A:1–17)
Week 77 Esther Becomes Queen (1:1–2:23)
Week 78 Haman’s Plot against the Jews (3:1–13; B:1–7; 3:14–15)
Week 79 Esther and Mordecai Plead for Help (4:1–16; C:1–D:16; 5:1–5)
Week 80 Haman’s Downfall (5:6–8:2)
Week 81 The Jewish Victory and the Feast of Purim (8:3–12; E:1–24; 8:13–9:23)
Week 82 Epilogue: The Rise of Mordecai (9:24–10:3; F:1–11)
1-2 Maccabees
Week 83 Crisis and Response (1:1–2:70)
Week 84 Leadership of Judas Maccabeus (3:1–9:22)
Week 85 Leadership of Jonathan (9:23–12:53)
Week 86 Leadership of Simon (13:1–16:24)
Week 87 Indictment of Israel and Judah (1:1–5:30)
Week 88 The Book of Emmanuel (6:1–12:6)
Week 89 Oracles against the Foreign Nations (13:1–23:18)
Week 90 Apocalypse of Isaiah (24:1–27:13)
Week 91 The Lord Alone, Israel’s and Judah’s Salvation (28:1–33:24)
Week 92 The Lord, Zion’s Avenger (34:1–35:10)
Week 93 Historical Appendix (36:1–39:8)
Week 94 The Lord’s Glory in Israel’s Liberation (40:1–48:22)
Week 95 Expiation of Sin, Spiritual Liberation of Israel (49:1–55:13)
Week 96 Oracles in the Days of Josiah (1:1–6:30)
Week 97 Oracles Primarily from the Days of Jehoiakim (7:1–20:18)
Week 98 Oracles in the Last Years of Jerusalem (21:1–25:38)
Week 99 The Temple Sermon (26:1–24; cf. 7:1–15)
Week 100 Controversies with the False Prophets (27:1–29:32)
Week 101 Oracles of the Restoration of Israel and Judah (30:1–35:19)
Week 102 Jeremiah and the Fall of Jerusalem (36:1–45:5)
Week 103 Oracles Against the Nations (46:1–51:64)
Week 104 Historical Appendix (52:1–34)
Week 105 The Desolation of Jerusalem (1:1–22).
Week 106 The Lord’s Wrath and Zion’s Ruin (2:1–22).
Week 107 The Voice of a Suffering Individual (3:1–66).
Week 108 Miseries of the Besieged City (4:1–22).
Week 109 The Community’s Lament to the Lord (5:1–22).
Week 110 Historical Setting (1:1–9)
Week 111 Confession of Guilt (1:10–2:10)
Week 112 Prayer for Deliverance (2:11–3:8)
Week 113 Importance of Wisdom (3:9–23)
Week 114 Inaccessibility of Wisdom (3:24–36)
Week 115 Wisdom Contained in the Law (3:37–4:4)
Week 116 Baruch Addresses Diaspora (4:5–9a)
Week 117 Jerusalem Addresses Neighbors (4:9b–16)
Week 118 Jerusalem Addresses Diaspora (4:17–29)
Week 119 Baruch Addresses Jerusalem (4:30–5:9)
Week 120 Letter of Jeremiah (6:1–72)
Week 121 Call of the Prophet (1:1–3:27)
Week 122 Before the Siege of Jerusalem (4:1–24:27)
Week 123 Prophecies Against Foreign Nations (25:1–32:32)
Week 124 Hope for the Future (33:1–39:29)
Week 125 The New Israel (40:1–48:35)
Week 126 Daniel and the Kings of Babylon (1:1–6:29)
Week 127 Daniel’s Visions (7:1–12:13)
Week 128 Appendix: Susanna, Bel, and the Dragon (13:1–14:42)
Week 129 The Prophet’s Marriage and Its Symbolism (1:2–3:5)
Week 130 Israel’s Guilt, Punishment, and Restoration (4:1–14:9)
Week 131 Announcement of Unprecedented Disaster (1:2–20)
Week 132 The Day of the Lord (2:1–27)
Week 133 The Lord’s Final Judgment (3:1–4:21)
Week 134 Editorial Introduction (1:1–2) Oracles against the Nations (1:3–2:16)
Week 135 Threefold Summons to Hear the Word of the Lord (3:1–5:9)
Week 136 Three Woes (5:7–6:14)
Week 137 Symbolic Visions (7:1–9:10)
Week 138 Epilogue: Restoration Under a Davidic King (9:11–15)
Week 139 Obadiah (1:1-21)
Week 140 Jonah’s Disobedience and Flight (1:1–16)
Week 141 Jonah’s Prayer (2:1–11)
Week 142 Jonah’s Obedience and the Ninevites’ Repentance (3:1–10)
Week 143 Jonah’s Anger and God’s Reproof (4:1–11)
Week 144 Oracles of Punishment (1:2–3:12)
Week 145 Oracles of Salvation (4:1–5:14)
Week 146 Announcement of Judgment (6:1–7:6)
Week 147 Confidence in God’s Future (7:7–20)
Week 148 Nahum (1:1-3:19)
Week 149 Habakkuk (1:1-3:19)
Week 150 The Day of the Lord: Judgment on Judah (1:2–2:3)
Week 151 Judgment on the Nations (2:4–15)
Week 152 Jerusalem Reproached (3:1–7)
Week 153 The Nations Punished and Jerusalem Restored (3:8–20)
Week 154 The Restoration of the Temple (1:1–15)
Week 155 Oracles of Encouragement (2:1–23)
Week 156 Introduction (1:1-6)
Week 157 The Visionary Unity (1:7-6:15)
Week 158 The Address to Bethel (7:1-14)
Week 159 The Seven Oracles (8:1-23)
Week 160 Malachi (1:1-3:24)
Week 161 Prologue (1:1–2:13)
Week 162 First Cycle of Speeches (3:1–14:22)
Week 163 Second Cycle of Speeches (15:1–21:34)
Week 164 Third Cycle of Speeches (22:1–27:21)
Week 165 The Poem on Wisdom (28:1–28)
Week 166 Job’s Final Summary of His Cause (29:1–31:37)
Week 167 Elihu’s Speeches (32:1–37:24)
Week 168 The Lord and Job Meet (38:1–42:6)
Week 169 Epilogue (42:7–17)
Week 170 Psalm 1-41
Week 171 Psalm 42-72
Week 172 Psalm 73-89
Week 173 Psalm 90-106
Week 174 Psalm 107-150
Week 175 Title and Introduction (1:1–7)
Week 176 Instructions of Parents and of Woman Wisdom (1:8–9:18)
Week 177 First Solomonic Collection of Sayings (10:1–22:16)
Week 178 Sayings of the Wise (22:17–24:22)
Week 179 Further Sayings of the Wise (24:23–34)
Week 180 Second Solomonic Collection, Collected under King Hezekiah (25:1–29:27)
Week 181 Sayings of Agur and Others (30:1–33)
Week 182 Sayings of King Lemuel (31:1–9)
Week 183 Poem on the Woman of Worth (31:10–31)
Week 184 Qoheleth’s Investigation of Life (1:12–6:9)
Week 185 No One Can Find Out the Best Way of Acting (6:10–8:17)
Week 186 No One Knows the Future (9:1–12:14)
Song of Songs
Week 187 Song of Songs (1:1-8:14)
Week 188 The Reward of Righteousness (1:1–6:21).
Week 189 Praise of Wisdom by Solomon (6:22–11:1).
Week 190 Special Providence of God During the Exodus (11:2–16; 12:23–27; 15:18–19:22) with digressions on God’s mercy (11:17–12:22) and on the folly and shame of idolatry (13:1–15:17).
Week 191 The Wisdom of the Wise (1:1-23:27)
Week 192 The Meaning of Wisdom, its application, and a hymn on creation (24:1-43:33)
Week 193 The Praise of the Ancestors (44:1-50:24)

New Testament
Week 194 The Preparation for the Public Ministry of Jesus (1:1–13)
Week 195 The Mystery of Jesus (1:14–8:26)
Week 196 The Mystery Begins to Be Revealed (8:27–9:32)
Week 197 The Full Revelation of the Mystery (9:33–16:8)
Week 198 The Longer Ending (16:9–20), The Shorter Ending, The Freer Logion (in the note on 16:9–20)
Week 199 The Infancy Narrative (1:1–2:23)
Week 200 The Proclamation of the Kingdom (3:1–7:29)
Week 201 Ministry and Mission in Galilee (8:1–11:1)
Week 202 Opposition from Israel (11:2–13:53)
Week 203 Jesus, the Kingdom, and the Church (13:54–18:35)
Week 204 Ministry in Judea and Jerusalem (19:1–25:46)
Week 205 The Passion and Resurrection (26:1–28:20)
Week 206 The Prologue (1:1–4)
Week 207 The Infancy Narrative (1:5–2:52)
Week 208 The Preparation for the Public Ministry (3:1–4:13)
Week 209 The Ministry in Galilee (4:14–9:50)
Week 210 The Journey to Jerusalem: Luke’s Travel Narrative (9:51–19:27)
Week 211 The Teaching Ministry in Jerusalem (19:28–21:38)
Week 212 The Passion Narrative (22:1–23:56)
Week 213 The Resurrection Narrative (24:1–53)
Week 214 The Preparation for the Christian Mission (1:1–2:13)
Week 215 The Mission in Jerusalem (2:14–8:3)
Week 216 The Mission in Judea and Samaria (8:4–9:43)
Week 217 The Inauguration of the Gentile Mission (10:1–15:35)
Week 218 The Mission of Paul to the Ends of the Earth (15:36–28:31)
Week 219 The Prologue (1:1-18)
Week 220 The First Days of Jesus (1:19-51)
Week 221 From Cana to Cana (2:1—4:54)
Week 222 The Feasts of "the Jews" (5:1—10:42)
Week 223 Jesus turns toward "the hour" (11:1—12:50)
Week 224 The Last Discourse (13:1—17:26)
Week 225 The Passion (18:1—19:42)
Week 226 The Resurrection (20:1-29)
Week 227 The Conclusion (20:30-31)
Week 228 Epilogue: Further Resurrection Appearances (21:1-25)
1 John
Week 229 Prologue (1:1–4)
Week 230 God as Light (1:5–3:10)
Week 231 Love for One Another (3:11–5:12)
Week 232 Epilogue (5:13–21)
2-3 John 
Week 233 2 John 1:1-3 John 1:15
1 Thessalonians
Week 234 Address (1:1–10)
Week 235 Previous Relations with the Thessalonians (2:1–3:13)
Week 236 Specific Exhortations (4:1–5:25)
Week 237 Final Greeting (5:26–28)
1-2 Corinthians
Week 238 Address (1:1–9)
Week 239 Disorders in the Corinthian Community (1:10–6:20)
Week 240 Answers to the Corinthians’ Questions (7:1–11:1)
Week 241 Problems in Liturgical Assemblies (11:2–14:40)
Week 242 The Resurrection (15:1–58)
Week 243 Conclusion (16:1–24)
Week 244 Greeting (1:1–11)
Week 245 Paul defends his actions and apostleship, affirming his affection for the Corinthians. (1:12 –7:16)
Week 246 Instructions for the collection for the poor in the Jerusalem church. (8:1–9:15)
Week 247 A polemic defense of his apostleship (10:1–13:10)
Week 248 Closing greetings (13:11–13)
Week 249 Address (1:1–11)
Week 250 Progress of the Gospel (1:12–26)
Week 251 Instructions for the Community (1:27–2:18)
Week 252 Travel Plans of Paul and His Assistants (2:19–3:1)
Week 253 Polemic: Righteousness and the Goal in Christ (3:2–21)
Week 254 Instructions for the Community (4:1–9)
Week 255 Gratitude for the Philippians’ Generosity (4:10–20)
Week 256 Farewell (4:21–23)
Week 257 Philemon (1:1-25)
Week 258 Address (1:1–5)
Week 259 Loyalty to the Gospel (1:6–10)
Week 260 Paul’s Defense of His Gospel and His Authority (1:11–2:21)
Week 261 Faith and Liberty (3:1–4:31)
Week 262 Exhortation to Christian Living (5:1–6:10)
Week 263 Conclusion (6:11–18)
Week 264 Address (1:1–15)
Week 265 Humanity Lost without the Gospel (1:16–3:20)
Week 266 Justification through Faith in Christ (3:21–5:21)
Week 267 Justification and the Christian Life (6:1–8:39)
Week 268 Jews and Gentiles in God’s Plan (9:1–11:36)
Week 269 The Duties of Christians (12:1–15:13)
Week 270 Conclusion (15:14–16:27)
2 Thessalonians 
Week 271 2 Thessalonians (1:1-3:18)
Week 272 Address (1:1–14)
Week 273 The Preeminence of Christ (1:15–2:3)
Week 274 Warnings against False Teachers (2:4–23)
Week 275 The Ideal Christian Life in the World (3:1–4:6)
Week 276 Conclusion (4:7–18)
Week 277 Address (1:1–14)
Week 278 Unity of the Church in Christ (1:15–2:22)
Week 279 World Mission of the Church (3:1–4:24)
Week 280 Daily Conduct, an Expression of Unity (4:25–6:20)
Week 281 Conclusion (6:21–24).
1-2 Timothy
Week 282 Address  & Sound Teaching (1:1–20)
Week 283 Problems of Discipline (2:1–4:16)
Week 284 Duties toward Others (5:1–6:2a)
Week 285 False Teaching and True Wealth (6:2b–21)
Week 286 Greeting & Paul’s Challenge to Timothy (1:1—2:13)
Week 287 Instructions Regarding False Teachers (2:14—3:9)
Week 288 Following Paul’s Example (3:10—4:8)
Week 289 Paul’s Final Instructions for Timothy (4:9-22)
Week 290 Address & Pastoral Charge (1:1–16)
Week 291 Teaching the Christian Life (2:1–3:15)
Week 292 Introduction (1:1–4)
Week 293 The Son Higher than the Angels (1:5–2:18)
Week 294 Jesus, Faithful and Compassionate High Priest (3:1–5:10)
Week 295 Jesus’ Eternal Priesthood and Eternal Sacrifice (5:11–10:39)
Week 296 Examples, Discipline, Disobedience (11:1–12:29)
Week 297 Final Exhortation, Blessing, Greetings (13:1–25)
Week 298 Address & The Value of Trials and Temptation (1:1–18)
Week 299 Exhortations and Warnings (1:19–5:12)
Week 300 The Power of Prayer (5:13–20)
1-2 Peter
Week 301 Address & The Gift and Call of God in Baptism (1:1–2:10)
Week 302 The Christian in a Hostile World (2:11–4:11)
Week 303 Advice to the Persecuted & Conclusion (4:12–5:14)
Week 304 Salutation & The Certainty of the Believers’ Salvation (1:1-21)
Week 305 The Deception of the False Teachers’ Message & Conclusion (2:1–3:18)
Week 306 Jude (1:1-25)
Week 307 Prologue (1:1–3)
Week 308 Letters to the Churches of Asia (1:4–3:22)
Week 309 God and the Lamb in Heaven (4:1–5:14)
Week 310 The Seven Seals, Trumpets, and Plagues, with Interludes (6:1–16:21)
Week 311 The Punishment of Babylon and the Destruction of Pagan Nations (17:1–20:15)
Week 312 The New Creation (21:1–22:5)
Week 313 Epilogue (22:6–21)

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